Return Customers, Super Slick Hair, Heart and Heritage Pomades
@mortenreimar made his #pomade reorder with Mr. Pomade I love repeat customers, that means the pomade and I did our jobs well. This order went all the way to Denmark, He picked up some Don Bucho Brusco Highlife Voodoo brew Nostalgic handmade Firm Suavecito Unscented and a Kent professional pick comb
Gentleman Combing his hair
Hair so slick it will leave men in admiration. A little length for a more solid styling, and a trusted favorite #pomade are all you might need. Check out @omarthebarber who knows a thing or two about #hair Looking good. S/O @lyles_barbershop
Heart and Heritage Pomades
Get your Heart and Heritage Pomade here at One of the simplest and nicest little jars I have ever seen. Choose from Brick Pomade a strong hold matte, Cream Pomade a soft hold and soft shine; and Glass Pomade which is a medium hold with high shine



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